Immigration Postcard Question

Hello! I searched through the sub and couldn’t find my specific case.

I received my postcard in the mail but I was designated a specific date and time to visit immigration. Unlike other cases like that, it also indicated that I should bring a revenue stamp. There’s also a numbered sticker on the back.

Typically it seems revenue stamp = approved but if you’re asked to come at a specific date and time = rejected. So I’m confused haha.

Anyone else experienced this? Thanks!

Edit1: Clarity.
Edit 2: Thanks for your comments! I’m going to be optimistic here since I was told to bring the revenue stamp and not worry about it being at a scheduled time.

  1. Immigration never ask for cash. It’s always revenue stamps.

    There are probably something they want to ask you but it’s trivial matter so go there, answer their question, and get approved.

  2. > Typically it seems revenue stamp = approved but specific date and time = rejected. So I’m confused haha.

    I am more confused reading this lol.

    Immigration never ask cash money, its always in the form of revenue stamp which you can buy in JP post or even some konbinis. Receiving hagaki telling you to pick up your visa means, most of the time, that you’re not rejected.

  3. So, was there anything suspicious about your application?

    I heard one story where someone got the postcard and was promptly changed to designated activities and told to leave (or something similar) as they had tried something shady.

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