Child suicides in Japan hit record high of 514 in 2022

Child suicides in Japan hit record high of 514 in 2022

  1. Calling teenagers “children” is a great way to completely miss what the problems are in their lives.

    But, oh, well. I been down this path a million times and its clear nobody cares to get these things right, not really.

    Back when I taught at elementary school I knew only one student I considered at risk for suicide. She never smiled. She was not physically handicapped but was often claiming to need a wheel chair and used one. She was obviously fully developed from 4th grade and it was….obvious…..she was not dressing to hide it. For all practical purposes she was a teenager trapped among children.

    I saw her walking with a boy after she got into junior high Its the first I ever saw her smile and I was glad she made it…..cause people really don’t care about the square pegs and won’t give a single thought to their needs or their odds of suicide…even if their non-conformity is obviously not their fault.

    And there is more I could say, but you people don’t care. What you will do is use my summations to accuse me of bad intent or some other insane trash. Most of you lot would have preferred she killed herself so you could have a thrill with your morning coffee….so here is my daily reminder of how much contempt I have for society.

  2. There’s bullying, but there’s probably also poverty mainly caused by COVID and of course economic downturn.

    The story recently about how a girl committed suicide by freezing in the snow because a bunch of fucktard boys repeatedly raped her, filmed her and threatened her (probably influenced by watching porn), and the school constantly covered it up and still covers it up till this day is absolutely insane.

  3. Is there a better article with stats breakdown by age group? The 50+ appears to be the majority from what I understand.

    Man/female ratio still at 66/33 is something that should be highlighted more. It’s hard for men to request for help. Mental issues are real. The pace of life isn’t healthy. Many many reasons to want to end it

    Sure the earlier it happens the worse but still, many issues to be considered and the article doesn’t even try to scratch the surface.

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