ES ALTs: Current Progress?

Hey all,

I work in a private JHS/SHS and we’re having an open school for elementary school kids in a few weeks. They can be from any grade level, but mostly they tend to be 6th graders. I was thinking of making a Hallowe’en-centric lesson plan, but I was curious about how ES ALTs are currently making progress through the We Can 2 textbook?

Looking at the textbook contents, it would seem that most schools would be moving into Summer Vacation and looking at studying past tense. However, I’m well aware that ESID. Could any ES ALTs kindly let me know how things are in your school?

Thanks in advance! (I keep meaning to go to the local ES I used to teach at, but as I mentioned, I work at a private school and so my schedule is pretty packed)

  1. I’m also preparing for demo lessons in November at a private junior high school.

    I’d love to know what lexical items and themes you’re covering in September and October.

  2. As you said; my school is currently working on Summer Vacation and past tenses atm (New Horizon).

  3. We can stopped being used 2 years ago. Now all the schools use a different text book selected by the Boe. Unless you work in the school, or know someone in working there, it’s hard to know which book is being used.

  4. Summer vacation lessons are over. Starting on “I have, I want, I play, I like…” in Unit 5 of here we go.

  5. Depending on the school, they would have just finished the summer vacation unit or are about to finish. If they are speeding through the text book, they would be a little ways into unit 5 which talks about animals, where they live, and what they eat.

    Most of my schools just started unit 5.

  6. We can much like let’s try is pretty sparse. There is almost always more available hours in the school year than book contents. Even with something more polished like New Horizon.

    Don’t worry so much about the pace of the lessons as it’s a reflection of the HRT. Not you.

    I usually give some kind of writing homework weekly, and do alot of advanced phonetics and reading rules. (igh, tio, ph, kn, etc. etc.)

    If I remember correctly it’s three units spring, three units fall, two units winter.

    For Halloween I get approval to tell a scary story. I’ve done jack o’ lantern, sleepy hallow, and Frankenstein (which was particularly fun because you can spin a strong anti-othering message into it)

    For my sixth graders I did a classic jump scare story (with permission to spook from the HRT of course) and they got a kick out of it.

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