it looks like the jury’s still out on talking to chat gpt in english and asking it for translations and grammar questions, but I’ve tried talking to bing chat in japanese about a sentence in the fate stay night vn that I didn’t understand fully. Since bing chat can actually use the internet it pulls up type moon wikis to justify it’s interpretation of the sentence, in addition to having a better understanding of japanese than me. I think this might be really helpful, and better than pulling up the english translation when I’m lost.
「アーチャーを召喚した事で、右手に刻まれた紋様。これが令呪。聖杯によってもたらされた聖痕が、サーヴァントを召喚する事によって変化したマスターの証である。」 この文を説明ください。特に、「変化」よく分からない。マスターが変化したの?
この文は、『Fate/stay night』というゲームやアニメの世界観に関するものです。令呪とは、聖杯戦争という魔術師同士の戦いに参加するために必要な、サーヴァントという英霊を召喚・支配する力を持つ紋様です12。聖杯戦争に参加する魔術師はマスターと呼ばれます。
>it looks like the jury’s still out on talking to chat gpt in english and asking it for translations and grammar questions
…is it? All the “it’s great” posts come from users I don’t recall, while “it’s still garbage, don’t use it” comes from users who demonstrate fair amount of experience and understanding of Japanese, based on the answers they give on the daily thread. I don’t believe the jury is still out for those who know a thing or two about Japanese, but maybe that’s just me.
When I first tried ChatGPT in Japanese, I noticed it making some grammatical mistakes such as using 助けます instead of 助かります. But I presume it has gotten better since then. Be aware though that the Japanese it uses is quite formal. Not sure how much you can get it to “dumb down” by asking it to use 簡単な日本語…
FYI: ChatGPT is based on the GPT 3.5 language model. Bing chat is actually based on GPT 4. Now GPT 4 has actually been released (with a wait list), the stats indicate that 4 is better at Japanese than 3.5 is with English.
Whether or not that’s good enough to trust is another matter. If recent threads are accurate then 4 is still lacking for the purposes of teaching Japanese.