How mandatory is spousal health insurance.

For context, I’m on work visa and my wife’s on dependent’s. We didn’t bother getting her a health insurance since she was visiting for a very short time anyway. Would it impact mine and/or her future Visa application? She doesn’t work so her income is 0.

  1. She should be on your insurance.

    What if she gets sick or in an accident?

  2. Why would you want to live any period of time without health insurance? You could fall and hit your head, have a stroke, or get hit by a car and regret making the decision to not have health insurance.

  3. You asked this two months ago and you didn’t listen to the advice you got? Health insurance is REQUIRED for ALL residents of Japan. If she came as a tourist she wouldn’t need it, but she’s a resident, no matter how long she stays. She should be a dependent of your work health insurance (shakai hoken)

  4. Why wouldn’t you when it is cheaper to get treatment at the hospital than to buy drugs at the pharmacy?

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