Exiting Japan without paying some bills

I’ll be soon starting my repatriation. I wanted to know if I failed to pay my utilities for my last month or if I failed to pay my mobile phone bill, would it impact my future Visa application?

Edit: Thank you for your comments. I guess I’ll have to start contacting each vendor/billers and trigger an advance bill so I can clean the dust and leave. If anyone knows any sort of checklist too, that’d be helpful.

  1. Pay what you owe. It’s the honest thing to do. And while unfortunate, failure to do so impacts the impression of all foreigners here.

  2. Visa applications no. Your ability to actually live here in the future as far as getting utilities or a phone yes.

  3. You would be adding to the massive list of reasons why it’s nearly impossible for foreigners to secure any kind of credit here.

  4. 13 years ago I paid my softbank bill but not some cancellation fee that is now illegal. I had no problem getting a new visa but I’ll be damned if softbank didn’t pull up the unpaid bill when I went in to get a phone. I told them it must have been a different person with the same first middle last name and birthday and they ‘believed’ me. So you’ll probably be fine but all I could think in that softbank hot seat was I should have just paid and been done.

  5. Don’t be that person! You’re going to make it infinity more difficult for yourself and other foreigners if you don’t pay.

  6. I’m guessing he is leaving the baby mama hanging as well…

    You’ll get no sympathy here. Just pay the damn bills.

  7. Why are you trying to come back to Japan after doing something illegal here? That is why Japanese landlords are afraid to rent rooms to foreigners.

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