【YouTube Shorts】Learn Japanese at your leisure by watching short videos. I’m always thinking of ways to make studying fun and easy. I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice and Ideas.

*Posted with Mod approval* thank you u/LordQuorad san  

Hi ✨I’m a Japanese Teaching Vtuber and I would like to study with you. I stream on ✨[Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/cafealisa) and ✨[YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/cafealisa)✨

【Shorts video Lesson】

Short videos can be viewed in less than a minute. So I wanted to use it like a deck. You may get bored with the same content, so there are several types.

[Conjugations of Verbs✨動詞の活用](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC0hfBXi-TjzkL-EihzWcPF5DiBArYWm8) Learn these formats: dictionary form(辞書形)、ますform(マス形)、てform(テ形)、ないform(ナイ形)、たform(タ形)

[Kanji shorts 漢字 ショート動画で繰り返し勉強しよう!](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC0hfBXi-TjwHlklRRBcPmRxxi6byvFoK) Do you know the meaning of the kanji title “鬼滅の刃”(Demon Slayer) ?

[Learn Japanese with Minecraft✨マイクラで日本語を学ぼう!](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC0hfBXi-TjxZI8kmQ-rPXP9u1ZSxuQ3Z) Learn the classifier “頭” with Minecraft animals✨

[似ているカタカナ✨Similar Katakana](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC0hfBXi-TjzX4HOxVgNTRNfa5518X_5g) Katakana is tricky.Easy to make mistakes because it is simple. ク タ ケ・・・

[Japanglish カタカナ英語](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC0hfBXi-TjzgN1T7WrqFGjrKjhQGpjYK) The pronunciation of foreign words in Japanese is quite strange. hamburger ハンバーガー

[1min of conversation series](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC0hfBXi-TjwVXBbCuHLy1yUCFHZjnPzp) Mainly covers travel English conversation.

[Maid Glossary💛メイドさん用語レッスン](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC0hfBXi-TjyVsiwxWkSocVrNEm-OC_GX) Since I am a maid, I also explain maid terms.

[Here is a playlist with all short videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC0hfBXi-TjzspLdrC19_635UAg4wJOam)


I am a Japanese apprentice teacher. I have planned out various ways to teach Japanese.

On Twitch, I have a stream where I use games to practice beginner Japanese while playing games.

[Japanese Lesson with RPG games](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC0hfBXi-TjyiAXO0JzH_p-Ynriu4ZfdO)

 If you want, let’s have fun studying together! thank you for reading💛

  1. 資料よく多くいますね。アリサさんの努力はいつも尊敬しています

  2. Ahhh, this is nice! I’ve been learning japanese for a year now and just recently I heard from a good friend of mine that is also interested in it. But he likes to watch vtubers, so this will be a great way to learn for the both of us! He’s gonna love to hear this, seeing this just makes me happy! I look forward to learning from your material 😄

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