Can you buy tickets for ferries at ports?

Hi, I’m currently a bit stuck in Okinawa… My plans changed quite a few times in the past week, and currently I’m sitting in a smallish hostel in Northern Okinawa.

I was hoping to take a ferry on Monday morning to Kagoshima, but I cannot find any ticket / room information anywhere. The couple ticket sellers (Willer etc) have stopped taking reservations on that ferry (and the next one that leaves on Tuesday). I was thus thinking about just appearing at the Motobu port in the Monday morning and buying a ticket there if possible.

Does anyone know whether this is okay? I couldn’t find a definitive answer. Is there a risk of the ferry being already booked full? I read that this would mostly be a risk only around bigger holidays (like Golden week or the peak season in Summer), but is that really the case?

Can anyone give me some advice and maybe a little peace of mind? I’m both deaf, and only know very rudimentary Japanese, so I can’t really call the ferry lines for information either 🙁

  1. Should be ok. Yes there is always a risk of the ferry being fully booked, but that’s not common. It’s not very different from a plane ticket in terms of price (can be more expensive than cheap flights), so it has a very specific target: people that have enough time.

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