Japan Solo trip Review and Tips for first timers (3/9-3/17)

I just returned from my first trip to Japan, and also first foreign trip. While I did have another friend with me a couple of days this was mainly a solo trip. Here are my observations and things I learned that may hopefully help those visiting in the future.

Cities Visited: Osaka (3 days), Nara, Kyoto, Yokohama (1 day), and Tokyo (4 Days)

Beginner Notes:

**- The subway/metro WILL take you longer than expected**

I had an itinerary laid out and granted I left my hotel on average around 10 am each day (my first few days I left later since tiredness kicked in) a typical 1.5 hour trip took me al most double since I needed to familiarize myself with the way the subway worked. This is coming from someone who lives in LA and our system is a bit more basic. I’m not saying the Japanese public transportation is complicated, it’s an amazing system, but from a Los Angeles point of view it’s so much more advanced that it makes acclimating a bit more difficult.

**- If you need it, invest in a JR pass and also get a Pasmo/Suica Card**

I landed in Haneda and took a Shinkansen to Osaka on my first evening that I landed. While it took me a bit to get to my destination and I was tired, the JR pass was helpful for the Kansai region and the Pasmo was helpful for the kanto region mainly because you could recharge and use it in a conbini, vending machine, locker, or anywhere it was accepted.

**- Use Navitime and Google maps**

I used Navitime when it came to planning entire routes but Google maps on local/walking distance trips. Even if it was a local trip (5 minute train ride) I still ended up using Navitime way more.

**- Always ask for help**

The Japanese are a very kind people. I felt uncomfortable at times to not ask and while most of the time I did get to where I needed to go, asking for help by fellow riders and station attendants was extremely helpful. You will feel like a bit of a burden but remember that it’s ok. They know you are a gaijin and it’s all unfamiliar to you. Don’t let this level of discomfort get to you. Just suck it up and ask for help.

**- You will compromise your itinerary**

I had multiple things set up each day for the first few days in Osaka and also a few things in between during my stay there before going to Tokyo. While the public transportation did take up most of my time to get to my destination, I was mostly taking time being present in my destination. The beauty of every place I visited and just walking around and taking in the scenery is what I enjoyed the most. I loved everything I saw and every alley I walked. I did stress that I wasn’t going to see everything I waned to see in essentially 8 days but after a bit of time I accepted and slowed down a bit to see some important things.

**- Drink plenty of water before you leave your hotel and anywhere in between your travel**

The tap water is fine. I was buying quite a few bottles of water in between metro trips and was a little worried that the tap water would get me sick but by day 3 I realized most of the restaurants were serving tap water and I was fine. I also had my canteen with my and filled it with a bottle of water along the way. Which brings me to my next point…

**- Always have a plastic bag handy or drink/eat where you purchase your items.**

It’s a culture shock and at times a bit of an inconvenience to someone from Los Angeles but it’s why Japan is one of the cleanest places I have seen. If you buy food/drink at a conbini, consume it there so you don’t have to travel with the bag. For a tourist it’s a bit cumbersome to have all your equipment and an additional bag of souvenirs and a bag of trash. There were times when I was fine carrying it but I also grew to like the custom of not walking and eating.


Overall, I loved my time there and everything I saw and experienced was beautiful. I got very emotional at times because it has always been a dream to visit this country and when I finally got there and saw the landscape and scenery, I couldn’t believe it was real. Staying a little over a week was definitely not enough and next time it will be a lot longer. I met many great people and fellow travelers to where I didn’t feel completely alone. I will update this if I remember something to add. Happy travels!

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