any Chinese working in Japan right now? how’s your experience?

Hi I’m a Singaporean Chinese that is learning Japanese. I wondered if any asians from SEA is currently working in Japan and what is your experience. I searched up some threads on reddit and some of the threads said that it is not a good experience working in Japan, being treated with a lot of shit work and they didn’t enjoy the experience. And how does Japanese people feel about Chinese people, I know there is some racism against the other Chinese.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **any Chinese working in Japan right now? how’s your experience?**

    Hi I’m a Singaporean Chinese that is learning Japanese. I wondered if any asians from SEA is currently working in Japan and what is your experience. I searched up some threads on reddit and some of the threads said that it is not a good experience working in Japan, being treated with a lot of shit work and they didn’t enjoy the experience. And how does Japanese people feel about Chinese people, I know there is some racism against the other Chinese.

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  2. >And how does Japanese people feel about Chinese people

    Depends on the person. The whole population of a country don’t feel one same way about a topic.

    >being treated with a lot of shit work and they didn’t enjoy the experience

    Yes discrimination unfortunately happens, and even without it, that’s a good description of any job.

  3. Can’t answer the Chinese part, but I’m from SEA, been here for 10 years, and I really enjoy my job.

  4. I am ethnically Chinese though born in the USA.

    I never experienced racism in any place I worked. I have also never encountered racism from anyone that regularly pays taxes.

    Other cons are, I do lose out on the foreigner wow status. Nobody would try to come up to me and randomly chat at the hub.

    But a big pro is that I can live in relative obscurity. If I kept my mouth shut, I would be indistinguishable from the general public.

  5. I am a Singaporean Chinese. The funny situation is the PRC Chinese in Japan do not perceive us as Chinese ethnically as we are too westernized in their book, and we do not speak good Mandarin Chinese.

    Most Japanese people do not give a damn since there are so many Chinese people. I put a SG flag emoji in my LINE profile and somehow some Japanese will mistake me as Indonesian, Vietnamese or Filipino. They treat us more like “foreigners”, an outsider, rather than being racist.

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