Is there other way to get into my father’s Koseki Tohon?

Hello everyone! I’m Jie half/filipino japanese. I’m currently in Japan with a tourist visa. My Mom and I went to immigration here to change my visa into long-term but the immigration said that I’m too old to get it, they only allow 18 years old below.

My only chance now is my japanese father. They’re seperated when I was still a kid and not married. They still have contact but my Dad is hesistant to put me in his Koseki Tohon since he have a new family now. I’m asking if is there other way to get into his Koseki Tohon even if he don’t want too? How should I do? Thanks in advance.

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  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Is there other way to get into my father’s Koseki Tohon?**

    Hello everyone! I’m Jie half/filipino japanese. I’m currently in Japan with a tourist visa. My Mom and I went to immigration here to change my visa into long-term but the immigration said that I’m too old to get it, they only allow 18 years old below.

    My only chance now is my japanese father. They’re seperated when I was still a kid and not married. They still have contact but my Dad is hesistant to put me in his Koseki Tohon since he have a new family now. I’m asking if is there other way to get into his Koseki Tohon even if he don’t want too? How should I do? Thanks in advance.

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