Anyone see their 2023 pay increase?

I just got my paycheck and it was a 1.89% increase. Pretty meager considering inflation.

Wondering about other experiences.

  1. > I just got my paycheck and it was a 1.89% increase. Pretty meager considering inflation.

    You actually received a pay cut because your “pay increase” was not above inflation.

  2. Saw about 10% this year, but that was sadly capped due to economic conditions.
    Had nearly 30% last year.

  3. Mine is around 8% increase, working in IT. But the stock price is not doing too good, and the lost there dwarfs any raise I can realistically get

  4. Asked for 3% and was told that this will be the last pay raise. So I’m capped. I may get more if I work more in the future. But for the next few years I plan to get my Japanese up and switch to blue collar work or something.

  5. The news said most big companies are raising pay by 5-9%, at least for seishain.

  6. How are you guys getting pay raise around this time? Am I missing something? Usually we have ours on june/july.

    Edit: expecting mine but due to role change so doesn’t count I guess. I’m just hoping the jpy getting better ish, not necessarily wrt to usd but just in general.

  7. No, due to restructuring how our bonuses work 2022 was likely my peak pay for at least the next couple of years. Though it’s still well above the average, even in my industry, and at least for the time being I still have a job, so I can’t complain too much.

  8. No, I won’t know the exact increase until next month. But they did announce that it would be about 7% in general.

  9. 13% increase from this April for all employee of my level due to inflation, can’t complain about it.

  10. As far as I understand Japanese salaries, huge companies tend to just set salaries based on age and seniority. In other (smaller) companies they refuse raises (1) because they think you won’t leave; (2) they think salaries can never be lowered, (3) they are afraid that next year might be unprofitable, and (4) they figure they can hold down costs on salaries even when they can’t cut costs elsewhere.

  11. Are parttimers supposed to see an increase?

    (I guess theoretically the answer is yes, but so many things about employment are on a two-tier system in practice.)

  12. 6% because I changed divisions, but keeping the same position (no promotion). In biomedical research.

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