Is anyone else here doing an Anki Complete 10K deck?

I like SRS. I got to level 60 on WaniKani and am now burning everything. I’ve got a mere 61 items left to burn, having burned 9026.

At about level 30 or 40 in WaniKani, I started going through a Wani Kani styled Core 10K deck for Anki. I’m 83% through with new lessons on the deck. I do less than an hour a day, but I’ve been doing it very consistently every day. If I happen to miss a day, which is very rare, I make it up the next day an make sure my reviews are zeroed out. Depending on my mood and how busy I am with other stuff, I’ve been adjusting the pace up and down as I go.

It’s been pretty good. I’ve surprised myself by knowing some pretty obscure words when they come up in the wild. It’s great for nouns and words with obvious, unambiguous meanings. Not so great with words with definitions like, for example “run” in English. Because if this, I’ve been editing the deck a bit – if a word has a somewhat ambiguous definition given, I go to []( or another dictionary and copy paste that definition into the card. I don’t really care too much whether I get an item right or wrong. I see that as being the whole point of SRS – I’ll be spending the majority of my time on items I don’t yet know. And even if I get the definition wrong, I’ll have reviewed the pronunciation or vice versa.

My primary means of study these days is reading native content (and watching/listening, but a bit less). I’ve read about 10 or so novels and maybe 100 short stories. I still need to look up a word or three per page, depending on the writing style and depending on whether I’m reading to just get the gist of what’s happening, or reading to know and understand every single nuance of what is written.

Is anyone else working through a Core 10K deck? If so, har far along are you and what do you think?

1 comment
  1. Sorry, not really answering the question but do you mind sharing that core deck? I’m currently going through WaniKani and I really like the overall style for reviewing and I’m curious how that works with the core series.

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