USA Results

Check your inboxes!!! I got my notification about the interview!!!!

  1. I got rejected. I don’t think I’ll apply again. Best of luck and biggest of congrats to those who did get in.

  2. Beyond excited to have gotten an interview! Best of luck to everyone interviewing, we got this! 💖

  3. Second year applying and got an interview at the Chicago consulate! I was an alternative ALT last year who never got upgraded so here’s to being shortlisted this year 🤞

    Good luck to everyone who got their interview, and to those rejected don’t give up! Whether it’s reapplying to JET or another foreign program, you got this 🙌

  4. Applied last year and didn’t get it! But I did this year! Wish everyone else the best!

  5. Got my interview notification from the Miami consulate! Very excited but also a little emotional. Best of luck to everyone!

  6. i have an interview with the phoenix consulate 🙂 last year i passed but got put on the “alternate” list … lets see if i can actually get shortlisted this time

  7. Made it to the interview stage (LA consulate)!

    I did want to ask though, on the interview application it mentions an FBI identification check. Is that something we should do now or wait for the follow up email from the coordinator who’s supposed to reach out next week?

  8. I’ve gone through to the interview stage at the Embassy in DC! Super excited, saw the news just as I left work.

  9. I tried, but didn’t make it ): was betting my post life crisis on this……what else can I do where I won’t be in America the second half of the year….

  10. Rejected, congrats to everyone who moves on!

    Really tough blow though, thought I tried hard enough to make it to the interview at least 🙁

    I guess I’ll still try with other dispatch companies, though they do not seem as nice haha

  11. I just want each of you who didn’t make it to know that I still hope that you continue to chase your dream of going to Japan ☺️ I was actually rejected last year so I can empathize with many of you. To those of you who got an interview good luck 🤞🏼🤞🏼

  12. Got my ALT nterview notice this morning lessgooooooooooooooo

    Missed it the first time around but it looks like a TEFL certification brought me over the line. Next stop, Houston.

  13. I got rejected but im looking forward to what i can improve to make sure i get in next year… Would anyone mind looking over my SOP to see what’s lacking?

  14. I’m also thrilled to have gotten an interview! I know I’m only halfway there, but I am so excited to have gotten this far.

  15. Very happy to have made it through to the interview again, good luck to everyone who did as well!

  16. Ahh so exciting! We’re expecting several new Alts at my placement this year. Can’t wait to meet who’s coming 😊

  17. Got an interview!! Feeling a little nervous about stating Japanese ability. I can read hiragana/katakana and have basic intro skills, time telling. Basically building up my convo skills but still working on vocabulary. I know this is not supposed to count against us but but I can’t help but feeling a little nervous. Anyone on the same boat? xD

  18. Rejected this year but will be seeking alternatives then reapplying next year. Congrats everyone!

  19. Checked and got rejected for last time. So time for secondary plan, military 💪, if not that then move to another state and yolo

  20. The useless alt is leaving from my school so I look forward to seeing one of you take their spot hah please be not useless and eager

  21. I finished college in a month ago just for the JET program, but got rejected. At least I got something out of this journey. Congrats to those selected, and may you be selected for a position!

  22. I unfortuantely was also rejected and deflated about it, but will defintely try again next time! Is there anyone willing to read my SoP to give me some pointers? Thank you in advance and best of luck to the current interviewees!

  23. Bottom line up front — Check your spam boxes, too. I got the notification about getting to the interview stage through the JET Inbox and a concurrent note to check my JET inbox through my regular e-mail. The same day I was sent an email from the consulate that went straight to my Spam box (I rarely check it and was doing some cleaning out of my inbox); I didn’t see it until January 15. It required a response by Monday, January 16, for me to affirm my interest in the program and stating the days that the ZOOM interviews would be held. There was no note or contact for the interview in the JET Inbox where I would expect something. Apparently, the consulates do not use the central JET Inbox for their communications. Check your spam boxes to see if you’ve received additional information or contacts from your consulates; my sender was “JET” only and not JET Program USA.

  24. If you get rejected don’t feel down. I got rejected in 2021 and decided to stay in the states and work here. It worked out in the end I now make more money than I thought I’d ever would ($60k post tax) and I can travel pretty freely as I want to as I’m (and majored in) a teacher. Got a good friend group and hobbies. So life ain’t too bad staying where you are and making the most of it. Hell I just came back from traveling around Japan so thag scratched my itch of Japan until next time I go.

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