Sashimi Rolls

Sashimi Rolls

  1. I heard sushi chefs saying that the rice was the key to a great sushi. I’m really tempted to test that theory by tasting these makis.

  2. Is this your content or are you snagging it from somewhere?

    In any event – visually it’s cool. Mixed feelings though. Salmon and avocado I could do. But I feel like the stuff that’s mixing like 3-4 different fish together is bound to lose the flavor or texture of all of them mixed together.

    Sashimi to me is showcasing that *one* type of fish, with its unique flavor and texture.

    Still, visually cool and a creative take if nothing else.

  3. I’ll pass on the carrot and asparagus but the rest look cool. I’ve not seen this much in restaurants, curious how much more this would cost.

  4. Mixing fish just means you lose the delicate flavours into a mush of everything, these belong in r/sushiabomination

  5. They are beautiful works of art, but I’ve never been crazy about packing 4 different fish together, at some point it becomes hard to combine their flavors and also taste them distinctly. My favorite dishes feature a single fish or maybe two.

  6. Had these before they are Delicious if you like sashimi little ponzu or shoyu Wasabi to dip in is fiya🤙🙏🙏🤙

  7. I find some of these very unsettling, especially the 4th picture.

    I’m sure they’re delicious.

  8. The first pick looked like raw pork. I’m curious to know what type of fish it was.

  9. Still love a great roll but Im 80% sashimi now. Just so much cleaner on its own if u have a good piece of fish

  10. These are all beautiful works of art. I’m sure they’re just as tasty as they look. Very well done.

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