Need help with how best to brush up on my Japanese



I’ll be going to Japan soon for a study abroad program. I’m super excited!! I’ve been trying for 3 years (first 2 times cancelled due to covid 3rd time my advisor told me the wrong date) but now and it’s finally happening! However, I feel like my Japanese has gotten quite rusty because of lack of use and due to my other classes getting overwhelming and me studying for the MCAT. Which unfortunately caused me to pause my Japanese learning on my 5th semester was going to take the first 300 level course (301). I took 4 semesters of Japanese (101,102,201,202). However, it’s been almost 2 years since I took 202 at this point. I feel like I’ve basically forgotten all the kanjis I’ve learned in those 2 years of Uni classes (just trying to remember off the top of my head). I will be taking Japanese courses at my university in Japan. But I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to best use the limited time I have before I leave to brush up on my Japanese (or even things I could do in Japan in addition to the classes I’ll be taking). My Uni used the Nakama textbooks, and in those 2 years we went through the 1st and 2nd one. I also bought the Genki textbook when I was doing a bit of self learning (didn’t get through a lot of it) before I took my Japanese courses in Uni.

Thank you in advance!

  1. Have a wonderful time in JAPAN!! WOOOOO!!

    Watch movies/tv as much as possible. Read books. No English.

  2. Based on how much… uh, more like how *little* I remembered Chinese after 2 years, I think it’s safer to get your mind to think “review and maybe relearn everything” rather than “brush up”.

    Maybe you can do a few JLPT mock exams (or whatever else that can help gauge your current proficiency) and see where you’re at?

  3. Will your Japanese school have placement tests before beginning classes?

    I would just restudy the materials you are familiar with. Some of these language schools can be intense so the more prep you can do the better IMHO.

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