Question about past research achievements

I would like to apply for the HSP Visa in a few years, and I’m curious if anyone has applied for this visa while gaining points for past research achievements.

I have a mechanical engineering degree and my final year thesis was published as a white paper and also featured in an international journal (i made the material in the picture [link](

The issue I’m facing is that I changed careers a few years ago and have been working as a software engineer. Does anyone know if this will factor into the calculation of my visa points?

Currently I’m at about 60 points, having not finished my masters of CS at UNSW in sydney, although i am only a few courses away from completion. If the research achievement applies then i can skip finishing the masters and be bumped up straight to 75 points. If not, then it looks like i have to go ahead and finish it off before i move.

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  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Question about past research achievements**

    I would like to apply for the HSP Visa in a few years, and I’m curious if anyone has applied for this visa while gaining points for past research achievements.

    I have a mechanical engineering degree and my final year thesis was published as a white paper and also featured in an international journal (i made the material in the picture [link](

    The issue I’m facing is that I changed careers a few years ago and have been working as a software engineer. Does anyone know if this will factor into the calculation of my visa points?

    Currently I’m at about 60 points, having not finished my masters of CS at UNSW in sydney, although i am only a few courses away from completion. If the research achievement applies then i can skip finishing the masters and be bumped up straight to 75 points. If not, then it looks like i have to go ahead and finish it off before i move.

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