Transfer of medical care for maintenance treatment of cancer in remission

Hello r/moving in Japan, I am headed to Tokyo in September for a multi-year stay for my graduate education.

At this time I am in remission from brain cancer, but I’m on 6 months of oral chemotherapy (ending July 2023) with potential to go on another 6 months. It appears I can stop after the 1st set of 6, and I plan to continue in Japan when my health insurance kicks in, since in addition to my move to Japan itself, the chemotherapy is cheaper by leaps and bounds in Japan compared to my current arrangements of purchase.

My current care team is based in Singapore. I have already added to my to-do that I must bring all documents and translate them into Japanese using a sworn translator.

That said, I have a few questions I hope this sub can shed light on. Have you had experiences specific to Japan when it comes to cancer care? I assume JP also uses the WHO standard of care. Are there specific concerns, special preparations or things I should be especially aware of, given I still have plenty of time to prepare?

Thank you for your kind attention and any information you can share.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Transfer of medical care for maintenance treatment of cancer in remission**

    Hello r/moving in Japan, I am headed to Tokyo in September for a multi-year stay for my graduate education.

    At this time I am in remission from brain cancer, but I’m on 6 months of oral chemotherapy (ending July 2023) with potential to go on another 6 months. It appears I can stop after the 1st set of 6, and I plan to continue in Japan when my health insurance kicks in, since in addition to my move to Japan itself, the chemotherapy is cheaper by leaps and bounds in Japan compared to my current arrangements of purchase.

    My current care team is based in Singapore. I have already added to my to-do that I must bring all documents and translate them into Japanese using a sworn translator.

    That said, I have a few questions I hope this sub can shed light on. Have you had experiences specific to Japan when it comes to cancer care? I assume JP also uses the WHO standard of care. Are there specific concerns, special preparations or things I should be especially aware of, given I still have plenty of time to prepare?

    Thank you for your kind attention and any information you can share.

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  2. This is something that you absolutely, positively, 100% need to do some actual research and planning on ***before*** you move.

    Asking here is fine in a general sense, but frankly this is well beyond our paygrade.

    You should be talking to your doctors. Ask them to recommend doctors in Japan. And then contact those doctors *now*. You should not be thinking about this as a “how do I find an oncologist after I get to Japan” question. By the time you’re making the move you should already have a doctor lined up, with appointments set, and a treatment plan already lined up.

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