General Discussion Thread – 21 March 2023

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what’s on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.

  1. So whatever happened to the Rakuten mobile quota shit that workers had to do? Few months ago there was a panic and that bad things would happen to those who didn’t make quota. Did anything actually happen or did management realize that it was a stupid thing to do and gave up on it?

  2. Brought all required documents to collect my new working visa zairyuu card but was told I couldn’t collect it yesterday. The officer told me because it’s written on my Proof of Graduation that I will graduate from my university on 31st March so I could not collect it on 20th March because I’m not officially graduated yet. Asked to come back on 31st even I have all the required papers ready. I was denied collection at the Kawasaki branch but I heard another friend from the same university as me got their zairyuu card collection approved by the Shinagawa immigration.

    I don’t know if I should make a call to ask for clarification or just keep quiet and go back on 31st.

  3. In my salad days before I had kids I used to queue up for a theme Park before it opened and stayed there till it closed, now with kids if I can ride 3 rides and leave without spending more than 20k inside the park I consider the day a success

  4. I still feel so nervous and stressed whenever I go to the malls or crowded places here so the point I need a rest the next entire day. I don’t know if it’s just being in crowded places or malls or just the fact that I just came to Japan three years ago.

    I don’t know if I can land onto a job and work daily with japanese language. I do really just fine with daily conversations when it comes to buying things or understanding some bits of japanese language. But I still can’t understand some parts if the japanese person speaks formally to me.

  5. I scratched my kitchen wall when removing these adhesive hooks and it’s a leopalace. Now they’ll probably charge me a fortune. Aaahh. Lesson learned. No more adhesive hooks on anything

  6. I find ピザまん interesting because I essentially had the *opposite* idea at home a few years ago. I noticed that pizza dough is similar to bao dough, so when I tried to make bao at home, I wrapped the filling (in this case char siu) in chunks of pizza dough and steamed it. It was quite passable.

    So basically ピザまん is a steamed calzone. Although now that I say that out loud it kinda makes it sound so unappetizing.

  7. Mexico lost. Japan moves on to the finals. Wanted a MEX/USA rematch so I’m annoyed, but at least I’m not at work right now.

  8. Just moved to a city center last week. Behind my apartment is a shopping street full of locals and tourists during the day. Wondering if it’s OK to run/jog there in the morning or early evening when there are not too many people and stores are not fully open yet 🤔🤔🤔#overthinkingbrain

  9. For the B-side label store, I saw they have ‘customer appreciation’ days, anyone know what this entails? I asked support via email and they said I could ask in store, but 日本語上手じゃあない。。。

  10. I did purikura with some friends and it only spit out 2 photos at the end! None of the other 6 we decorated.
    We didn’t scan the QR code because I’ve been tricked into paying for a service before, but now I’m wondering if this is the future of puri… to be online?

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