Need help with the translation of an image in Tekken 7 Akuma Trailer

Here is the URL of the exact timestamp where you can see the image:


Its the one with the ubrella and the two names? under it.

Can someone transalte please? Thanks!

  1. The name on the right is Heihachi. It’s fun, because the subtitle that appears in that same moment also tells it. The left one, it seems to be composed of the kanji for “one” and the kanji for “beauty” or something. I’ll see what I can find.

  2. Thanks guys, I did more reasearch and found more info so I am sharing it here:


    I was not sure if it was Heihachi and Kazumi or Akuma and Kazumi so I asked.

    Apologies for not taking more time to research but thank you all for the responses.

    Have a good one!

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