Scary Experience in Tokyo

I instaledl bumble app to make friends here in Tokyo, I’ve met quite interested and red flag people but last saturday is on another level. So he asked me if we can eat outside in Ikebukoro and since it is lunch time I agree, at first it is pretty normal but after a while he started to say weird things.

He was insisting me to go to another place to pray to their buddhist god. I refuse but he is so persistent; we are already fighting inside the cafe because he don’t want to accept my “no”. He won’t allow me to leave unless I said yes, unfortunately I also matched with one of his acquittance and he was trying to intimidate me to message that person so I would not be “alone” when we go to that place.

Fortunately, the server walked to our table and said we are already 3 hours sitting there and there are other people waiting outside.

After paying, he catch up to me and said he just want me to be cleanse from this world’s “evil” and his intention is not bad. We exchanged line before we met in person so he keeps messaging me in line asking if we can meet again. I muted him btw. I don’t want to delete it for evidence just in case.


Has anyone encountered this kind of person? Can I report him to the police just in case he still continuing to pester me?

  1. Cult and MLM recruiters def use those apps. Just say no and leave. Block and ignore.

  2. There are the cults in Japan based on previous posts here. I would block on that person and his friends on any apps and report it within the app itself. I would report it to the police if they continue to contact you.

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