I am not residing in my country of nationality. How can I fix this to qualify for a Working Holiday Visa?

I’m interested in applying for the Working Holiday Visa after I graduate from university next year.

The MOFA says in its eligibility section: “applicant must be currently residing in his or her country of nationality”

My country of nationality is England, however I’ve been living in Spain for the past ten years. I only have an English passport, not a Spanish one.

What classifies as residing for them? Would it be possible if I could apply for the visa while staying at a hotel or one of my friend’s places in England? Would that be enough to be classified as “residing”?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  1. I might be wrong but MOFA doesn’t know where you reside…., but to get a visa, technically you need to get it from your local embassy in the UK (where you “reside”).

  2. It’s not really relevant. The thing is, you probably have to go to Japan’s embassy in London instead of Madrid.

  3. hey, did you get this resolved? i have the same problem, and my home country’s embassy told me if i don’t live there then i am ineligible for the visa.

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