Probably just me but

Probably just me but

  1. I’ve been skipping and watching only the two tournament matches a night per episode on NJPWWorld, and I’m guessing I’m not the only one. There’s small story development in the multi-man tags, but I just can’t keep up with every show and have a life at the same time lol

  2. I filter by rating on match guide.

    Minimum: 7.69

    Maximum: 9.99

    I like to have variance and if I just watch the very best I tend to not appreciate it.

    I like watching the matches a little bit less than an 8. Gives better perspective on the super awesome 8.5+ matches.

  3. Watched the 2017 G1 to completion and the 2019 NJPW Cup as well. Probably the last time I’ll ever do that. Fun experiences but I don’t got that time.

  4. I remember only skipping some shows for when they do the Wrestling Dontaku tours. For some reason, they go crazy with that, and there’s three hour shows every day.

  5. I’ll check the lineup every day to see if their is an interesting dynamic in the tag matches, but ya, I tend to skip all the tags.

    I do like to watch the Young Lions though.

  6. I’m always behind on NJPW I watch it whatever order I want it’s such good shit. It takes me about a month to move through G1 just because I have to do other shit.

  7. I was trying to watch each indiviual night but sadly between GCW, ROH, and AEW I dont got the time to dedicate to every undercard tag match, even if some of them are fun to watch. I’m curious if every tournament PPV they do follows this format as this is only my 2nd ever NJPW PPV behind Wrestle Kingdom

  8. Not everything on these shows was required viewing, but some stuff is always bound to hit. Mainly TMDK vs Young Lion tags, or Shingo/Ishii Dudes Rock segments in the multi man tags from last week

  9. I’ve watched the entire thing except the under card on the night of Davis/Ospreay. I usually have the under card on for white noise so i don’t miss anything or if theres a surprisingly good match there. The last tag match of the night and the tournament matches get my full attention.

  10. I work too many hours. I’ll tend to watch all the finishing sequences, and only the full match when there’s hype.

  11. I’ve only watched the tournament matches and skipped everything else. I’m also trying to keep up with NOAH, AJPW and DDT so I only have so much time in the day to watch wrestling. New Japan Cup is pretty much the only tournament I can watch completely as there really isn’t enough time for the block tournaments for me.

  12. You should come and just watch them live. The shows have been amazing if you’re not just watching the Cup matches, which to be frank, have been some of the worst things about a couple of the shows. You really don’t get full scoop of things when you’re just watching some of the shows. We, the people in the Live Threads, get so hyped because we DO watch the Young Lion matches and we watch them all grow. There are a lot of story hidden in the matches if you just watch them all and follow along. We’re even popular enough to get hidden shout outs on shows from the likes of Chase, ELP, and Gedo himself

    But everyone has a different sleep pattern and things in live that prevent them from watching live, and I get that. And personally I find it hard to go back and watch old shows. I’ve been really wanting to watch Lucha Underground on Tubi, but I just can’t get into it because I don’t have the live appeal I do like watching it with the Live Thread Army while we watch the New Japan shows.

    Anyways, I hope you do enjoy what you do get to watch. Like I said, some of the Cup matches haven’t been that great, imo. The undercard as been fantastic

  13. Sometimes I even go one further and watch the Axs weekly show even though I’ve got the NJPW World sub. Very hard to keep up and then it almost feels like work to try.

  14. This is me. I wish I still had time to watch every show like I used to but I have kids now.

  15. I am almost always, and definitely am currently, behind by 1-6 shows.

    But I watch EVERY. SINGLE. MATCH.

  16. I can definitely relate, especially when there’s been only so much story development before the big matches. Not a slight on the company at all, I’m just getting older, and staying up until 5am to watch wrestling isn’t really feasible for these old bones anymore. If the event starts at 10pm-12am, I’ll put on a pot of coffee for it.

    I mostly keep the broadcast on when I get back from work. Kevin Kelly on commentary is pretty good background noise while I’m cooking dinner. By the time I’m settled in, the main matches are usually on.

  17. im juggling full time work, college, studying japanese, my other hobbies.

    Im fukt. I gave up anime and comics to keep up with wrestling

  18. I work 12 hour night shifts and I was like ‘man. maybe this is the year I watch every BOSJ match’ and I got through maybe like three days of the tournament before I got sick of it lol

  19. been skipping a lot of the young lion matches, super skipping anything with house of torture but staying for the actual cup matches. honestly it’s helped keep me engaged.

  20. When I was still subscribed to NJPW World I would literally only watch the matches I wanted to after checking the lineup out the next day. (I’m in the US) if I really had the time I’d watch the whole event, but if you’ve seen an 8 man tag match you’ve seen them all.

  21. Me every damn time. I only started subscribing in the last year so I have so much legacy stuff to catch up on. The only show I really watch in its entirety is WK and maybe some nights of the G1. I’m working my way down the list of cagematch at the moment starting from the top down.

  22. there’s straight up way too much good wrestling to watch every week nowadays. i only got a few hours a day of free time and i can’t keep up

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