Bi-Weekly Boss Premium Edition Questions Thread – 13 July 2022

As per usual, feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not so silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Two completely unrelated questions.

    Does anywhere know where to get deodorant sticks in Japan aside from Amazon orb online shopping? Doesn’t necessarily have to be major brands like old spice. Or something similar would help.

    To foreigners who are married to a Japanese partner, do you guys have any miscommunication or misunderstanding problems? If so, how do you resolve them. Because I genuinely don’t know how to without being as clear as possible and even then that’s not enough.

  2. When you guys eat cake or pies, do you use spoons or forks?

    Seems like most people in Japan use forks (smaller ones that are teaspoon size), while where I’m from people tend to use teaspoons…

    Just a observation, and got curious 🙂

    *edit: I didn’t mean meat pies and similar “food” pies*

  3. Someone posted something about this recently, but I can’t find it now. Our aircon is leaking water outside on the balcony and our management company seems unconcerned. I think the hose/pipe where the moisture runs out of may be a bit clogged? Any suggestions for cleaning it out?

  4. Asking again from another thread.

    Are foreigners travelling to the US required to take out travel health insurance for their trip?

  5. Used to email costco customer service 2 years ago, but I can’t seems to find their email contact now. Anybody knows how to contact them online?

  6. Docomo Home 5G (but in a LTE/4G area) or JCOM?

    Sadly can’t get fiber in my new apartment so my only choices are these two haha.

    I’m a heavy internet user as I download games and stream a lot.

    Im aware of the limitations with Docomo’s Home 5G, but I’ve heard JCOM is pretty bad generally so kinda wondering which is the best pick here. I live in Saitama city for reference.

  7. I’m working a full time IT job under a engineering and humanities Visa, a former employer asked me if I could work remotely for him a few hours a week (also IT), can I just say yes and start right away under my current Visa? Or do I need to ask for permission to my current company and/or change my Visa in some way to do so?

  8. The eikaiwa I’m at now isn’t bad but I realised that this is not the kind of job like. Working with students aged 1 all the way to 70… I don’t get to specialise. I don’t feel like a teacher since there’s so little explaining. It’s mostly modelling pronunciation.

    So I got an offer from a school based in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. It’s a preschool, which isn’t my favourite, but they say the kids speak English and the teacher focuses on grammar.

    I currently have 8 months left on my contract and I’m on a humanities/engineer visa. While I’d feel really bad abandoning them, I’d still give a month notice. But I don’t want to move if it’s not going to be something good. So on the one hand I want to stay and start looking for something else in November but on the other hand I want to find something I’ll enjoy.

    What do y’all think?

  9. Anyone been to Shinagawa Immigration recently? Are they still giving out timed entry tickets due to COVID?

  10. Can anyone give me a simple rundown of opening a business in Japan and using that to sponsor your visa?

    I’m kind of interested in trying it after getting burned by my last company but I am just starting to do preliminary research. I just want to see if I am on the right track and if it’s actually something I’m willing to try.

    This is what I know (I think) so far:

    * Apply for a business manager visa. This gives you time to get everything in order and then apply for the extension to continue the business.


    * Go straight for the investor visa which requires you to have the business all set up before applying for the visa, if I understand correctly.

    Either way, eventually this requires:

    * Business bank account with 5,000,000 yen or more capital.

    * Find a physical location for the office space.

    * Incorporation documents + notarization.

    * File for business registration.

    The leftover questions I have are: does it matter where the capital comes from? I have some savings back home I can use for this so can I just transfer the money over without any hassle? What kind of help did you hire to help out with all this? I got some consultation from an immigration lawyer to know about my options but I imagine an accountant will be vital at least in the beginning. Any other general advice would be appreciated.

  11. If I have a good relationship with the landlord, can I renew a contract directly with him/her to avoid having to pay the real estate agency another contract renewal fee?

  12. How exactly do ‘visa support’ services work? Like they ‘hire’ the person so they can extend their visas?

  13. Where can I find an English speaking psychiatrist in Okinawa, preferably in Naha? I know about TELL but they only offer therapy services. I want to do a full psychiatric evaluation.

  14. Why is it that Japan doesn’t have gravy? I’ve been living here for almost 10 years and I still don’t understand. I miss KFC’s gravy…

  15. What’s the actual difference between laundry detergent labeled as “for room drying” and laundry detergent that isn’t?

  16. Extremely unimportant question, but what’s up with all the yellow tigers?

    Can anyone explain why, if you ask a group of 30 Japanese children to color in a tiger, 29/30 of them will make their tigers yellow? Or why Japanese English teachers will not correct children claiming that tigers are yellow, or even suggesting the color themselves?

    The Hanshin Tigers logo has a yellow tiger and I’ve seen similar elsewhere many, many times. Are kids just copying ads?

    My first guess was maybe classical Japanese depictions of tigers, which were created by artists who had never actually *seen* a real tiger, were colored yellow, but examples I looked up were almost all orange.

    Did the “orange” color not exist as a concept in the old days, in the way that green wasn’t considered a distinct color from blue?

    Or am I just crazy, and haven’t noticed in the last 38 years that tigers are actually yellow?

  17. As it is prime sale time, I was wondering if someone took a dive on the Funai Fire TVs? Any early impressions? I know Funai’s TV tech is probably the same line as the old SANYO brand TVs, but not much more than that.

  18. A momma cat has made her home under our house with 4 kittens that must be 2-3 weeks old. We were thinking when they get a little bigger we get them all fixed including the mama and then just sorta let them go (we cant have a cat in our house). Does anyone have experience with this process? I’m afraid we might turn them in for them to just be terminated. I don’t want that, but I dont want them creating more kitters either.

  19. Anyone with experience using the Wise debit card, is there any particular ATM that would be best to make withdrawals from? Or do they all have fees? I’m wanting to withdraw a sizeable sum and would rather avoid multiple withdrawal fees, especially if there’s like a 100k limit.

  20. What what you call the type of business that Matsuoka Mayu’s character works at in the movie *Shoplifters*?

  21. New place has a nameplate holder — How do you typically go about getting you name ‘installed’? Do some measurements, go to a home center and have it custom ordered?

  22. A very good friend of mine needs to practise their English, partly for their own sake and partly because they will be helping me on a project in the near future.

    I offered to do some English conversation sessions together, although because I’ve done enough aimless waste-of-time conversations in the past, I set ground rules: they have to prepare some words/grammar/a topic they want to practise, and should take notes so all my corrections don’t get forgotten.

    Should I ask for money? They have offered to pay, but as they are a close friend, only working baito, and their improvement will help me, I’m happy to do it for free or only have them pay for the tea/coffee at the café.

  23. “My number card”.. huh?? And can I go to the ward office to get one instead of waiting for a mail piece to arrive with information to request it?

  24. I got a slip of paper to pay my language school tuition that looks a bit like the health insurance payment slip. Space for me to write my details, space for a stamp and a bit that can be ripped off.

    Am I able to just take this to the bank/conbini/wherever and pay with my debit card? I wanna get some sweet cashback on it if possible.

    Or is it one of those weird things that requires cash.

  25. I’ve noticed when I go to karaoke, the main machine thing where the volume controls are has a USB port. What is it for? Does that imply I could load up a usb stick with karaoke videos or instrumentals so I could sing songs that aren’t in the shop’s library?

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