Went to a restaurant alone for the first time I really enjoyed my sushi, that’s a win for me :)

Went to a restaurant alone for the first time I really enjoyed my sushi, that’s a win for me 🙂

  1. That’s my fav local sushi and it’s around the corner, I wanted to order take out but what I wanted more was to sit in a cozy restaurant. I felt kind of anxious about it but I did it and don’t regret :)))))

  2. Eating alone at restaurants is awesome. Great for reading a good book or meeting new peoplez

  3. I always eat sushi alone, my wife doesnt like it no matter how many times i have tried. It works out great though i usually go during a slower part of the day sit at the counter chat with the sushi chef and get some nice off the menu treats.

  4. I used to think eating alone in a restaurant was weird but then I started traveling a bit for work, naturally had to eat by myself sometimes and…..

    Wow… I friggin love it now lol

  5. The first restaurant I ever went to alone (where I didn’t know anyone working there) was a sushi place! So happy you enjoyed yourself

  6. Eating at a restaurant alone is one of my favorite things to do on a day off. I sit at the bar and talk to the bartender if I’m feeling chatty, and no one is gonna force me to talk if I’m not. Great time for self reflection.

  7. I make it a point to go to my favorite sushi restaurant once a week, by myself. It’s peaceful and delicious

  8. It’s such a reward to be eating sushi alone after being married for 11 years. Have a few glasses of sake and sashimi, life is good.

  9. I eat sushi by myself 90% of the time for two reasons:

    1. Because I’ve made friends with the staff at my favorite restaurants and they’re good company, lol.

    2. Because I hate sharing my sushi. Hmmph.

  10. If I am by myself and I want to eat out at a restaurant, I always turn to sushi. There is something about that experience that makes me really happy. The sushi bar is like a cherished old friend.

  11. I’m not going to talk about socializing or all that work jazz. I’m probably a loser😘 but I love eating sushi alone. I can decide when I’m going to leave and what I want to do. There’s usually stuff on tv but sometimes some chill music with my ear buds or even watching my own tv while I talk with my sushi chef between his customers. It was my zen place. (“Was” because I don’t have AYCE anymore)

  12. Everything looks awesome. You should mention the restaurant by name and location.

  13. i love that society as a whole is getting more comfortable doing stuff by themselves the plate looks lovely

  14. Doing stuff alone is awesome.

    I thought I was weird when I first started going to restaurants alone; thought people would judge me and whatnot. But now it’s a treat, no need to accommodate anyone, go whenever/wherever I want, order whatever I want too. Nothing but winning


  15. I almost always go for sushi alone! I bring my e-reader and just enjoy some time to myself. It’s so relaxing. Looks like you had a lovely meal!

  16. I love eating alone, it’s unfortunate some people don’t because they’re afraid of “looking weird”

  17. I own a sushi bar and am the sushi chef there. People always say things like “oh I didn’t want to come alone” and I always ask why? Sushi is perfect for dining alone and if you sit at the bar in front of me then you’re not really alone (unless you want to be of course). I will engage and chat all night and make you feel welcome. Never be afraid to eat on your own.

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