Games and activities for kids at the park

Hey all,

I have been asked to prepare and conduct a two hour English at the park event for our school for a small group of kids (around 8) aged between 6 and 10. The reason for it is the owner doesn’t want to have an inside x-mas party this year, so this event will be in place of it.

I’ve never done an event like this, so I was hoping to hear from others who have. What are some fun activities that have worked for you? The area is on a large grass field with a few trees and play equipment. The only event I have penciled in is a couple of piñatas.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  1. Treasure hunt with various ‘stations’ that have English related clues or problems to solve that lead to the ‘treasure’ or ‘goal’.

  2. I’ve got several ideas…
    Nature hunt: teach vocab. Make a scavenger hunt worksheet ( I got one for you if needed). Have buckets/baskets/bug boxes for collection. Make a mural out the leaves, sticks and stones you find. Colors can also be taught here as well.

    Bug Hotel: do a little research on insects and what they eat. Get a big bug box. Make a terrarium with (all the stuff you collect – doubles as vocab).

    Simon Says

    Relay race: Each person does a different action; first runner runs, second runner has to hop, third, crawls, tiptoes, etc..

    Red light green light: but say run, walk, tiptoe, STOP!

    Obstacle course: make sure you think about the language you’ll be using, otherwise it’ll just be a plain old obstacle course.

    I got more but this is all I can think of off the top of my head.

    Let me know if you decide to use one of these. I’d love to see how you modified them to work for your group!

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