When should I start speaking to strangers?

こんにちはみんなさん. I’m at roughly N5 level and meet with a tutor on Italki twice a week. I’ve considered getting HelloTalk but I’m not super confident in my vocabulary. Regardless of that though I know that I’m going to have to take the plunge eventually as I can’t learn from textbooks forever. I just want to make sure that I’m not jumping the gun. What do you guys think?

  1. use every sense at your disposal as early and often as you can. any silly mistakes made are there as a guide for what to work on next, nothing more.

  2. Well there are basically two approaches, the first is the one that recommend avoiding speaking and writing at the beginner stages ans keep on learning and immersing, basically limit yourself to input leaving output to when you reach a decent level, one of their reasons is that you are likelyto make tons of mistake at the beginning and you’ll probably get used to this mistakes, which will make it difficult to change in the future, but if you started when you already in a high level your mistakes will be less and you could identify your mistakes by yourself

    The second typical idea is to srtart speaking from day 1

    I’d say do whatever you like

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