Short-term stay in Tokyo this summer: any reliable resource?


I’m a graduate student and will be going to Tokyo this summer for research. I’ll be staying from around mid-June to mid-August. I have applied for guest housing at my host university (Waseda), but I will probably be notified in April, and the situation does not seem particularly favourable (I am assuming that I will not get any spot since everything appears to be quite full according to the university offices). Do you have any resource to suggest for short-term rentals? My partner will be joining me for a month, so we would like to live together in my last month of stay.

So far I have found something through Oakhouse and AirBnB. Our budget is limited, when factoring in plane tickets and everything, but neither I nor my partner need a lot of space and can adjust to small apartments, as long as a unit bathroom and a cooking space are available. Do you have any advice or resources to suggest?

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    **Short-term stay in Tokyo this summer: any reliable resource?**


    I’m a graduate student and will be going to Tokyo this summer for research. I’ll be staying from around mid-June to mid-August. I have applied for guest housing at my host university (Waseda), but I will probably be notified in April, and the situation does not seem particularly favourable (I am assuming that I will not get any spot since everything appears to be quite full according to the university offices). Do you have any resource to suggest for short-term rentals? My partner will be joining me for a month, so we would like to live together in my last month of stay.

    So far I have found something through Oakhouse and AirBnB. Our budget is limited, when factoring in plane tickets and everything, but neither I nor my partner need a lot of space and can adjust to small apartments, as long as a unit bathroom and a cooking space are available. Do you have any advice or resources to suggest?

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