Saw a post on here about NSFW immersion. Is there any kind of THAT content that has worked best for you in studying Japanese?

Around N4-N3 level and wanting to up my reading game. Are there any specific doujin, games, materials, etc that you would recommend?

  1. Well someone did learn Japanese through Nukige, it’s one of the top posts on the sub.

  2. I only started using those kinds of content for active study after I had already become conversational (in terms of JLPT, I would have been able to pass N3 with zero problems).

    I enjoyed the visual novel [Making * Lovers]( That’s the specific VN that taught me vocab about moving out and renting an apartment and had an H-scene every five chapters.

    I haven’t delved too deep into doujins, so I don’t have any specific suggestions there. I suspect ones that focus on the story will be very useful for general learning. I do have relatively mainstream manga suggestions though. ふたりエッチ is an edu-tainment manga about a virgin couple learning the ins and outs of lovemaking. You’ll get plenty of tips and factoids, as well as practice reading graphs and statistics taken from magazines and academic studies of the time (it started in the 1990s and is still going at over 80 volumes at 10 chapters apiece as of 2022). For something that mostly quenches the horny side, I recently thoroughly enjoyed 秘書課ドロップ. That’s the one I had in mind when I talked about learning corporate lingo.

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