Do any of you guys know of any books that teach Kanji right at the start?

I want to get a regular Japanese learning book that as they teach vocabulary at the beginning, they don’t shy away from using Kanji (preferably with Furigana). It also doesn’t matter if it’s an immersion language learning book (i.e. only in Japanese)

  1. Might not be as kanji-heavy as you’re looking for, but *Genki* brings in kanji as early as chapter 3.

    ~~edit – For an “immersive” book, check out~~ *~~Crystal Hunters~~* ~~manga. The vocab is quite limited, but does include kanji with furigana. I wouldn’t recommend it as a starting point for learning kanji though. If you want to learn kanji, you should start with the simpler kanji and work your way up. Or start with the kanji which appear the most frequently.~~ edit – Rereading your post, it looks like you meant an immersive textbook. My bad.

  2. I want to say many college-level textbooks do this. Genki is probably the most widely used and accessible. Nakama and Yokoso might be better content-wise, but being American textbooks, there is a paywall to many features.

    Usually after the kana are introduced, some or all appropriate words will be giving in kanji with furigana. Depending on the book, the kanji may be rolled out slowly or every word will be in kanji with several characters in the spot light in each chapter.

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