BunPRO vs Sentence Mining.

BunPRO vs Sentence Mining.

  1. You should definitely do some kind of structured grammar lessons, sentence mining alone isn’t enough. I can’t speak for BunPRO specifically but I know a lot of people use it. Personally I’m going through Minna no Nihongo with a tutor from italki, which has the added benefit of listening+speaking practice and real-time feedback,

  2. When studying a language if you come across two choices of methods like this the answer is almost certainly “both”.
    Sentence mining is very useful for giving you a practical idea of what Japanese looks like in situ. It also gives you the benefit of actually reading a Japanese text. But also if you have no basis at all to work from, then how will you have the foggiest idea where to begin?
    So: use SOME sort of structured grammar lessons (BunPro, Genki, whatever) and SUPPLEMENT that with dedicated reading and sentence mining.
    This is going to take a lot of time.
    That’s the idea. The more time you spend using Japanese the better you’ll get at it.

  3. I also vote for both. BunPro provides structure; a quick and easy reference for discovering/looking up grammar, and built-in reviews to help you get familiar with them. Then, when you find your target grammar “in the wild,” you can add those sentences as a custom reviews to BunPro’s SRS. Seeing grammar used in real-world contexts makes it much easier to fully “understand,” then the SRS helps lock it in memory.

    Sentence mining by itself is effective, but I personally really liked having the additional structure that BunPro provides

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