What Japanese level for SMT5?

Looking to play shin megami tensei 5 but I’m not sure if it will use too much unfamiliar kanji and I would just not enjoy the game at all. Anyone that’s played it that can give a rough indication what level one needs to be to understand say roughly 98 percent of the kanji?

  1. what do you mean by levels exactly. I’ve played persona 5 and tho it’s not the same maybe I could give u like a general idea. I just don’t know where you’re at with learning

  2. Be forewarned that the game does not perform well technically. I was playing it, in English, for about 20 hours before I decided to just stop. I got really tired of the low resolution and framerate drops. In that time, the story didn’t really present anything all that interesting either.

    Oddly enough, SMT4 has furigana. I don’t know about 3, though.

  3. almost any media of any form intended for adults to engage is going to be at least N2 if not N1, particularly if you’re looking for as high as 98% comprehension

  4. i think if you are N1 level, you are likely going to be fine. i haven’t picked up SMTV in a while, but iirc the kanji were GENERALLY all 常用, with some exceptions (e.g. some of the shop menus use the formal numbers). there may have been a rare non-常用 here or there in dialog but i definitely felt like i knew the vast majority of the kanji that appeared

    not that you asked but triangle strategy is a good example of a game that goes very hard on non-常用 kanji (so to me i had to expend extra effort to pick them up). it hits you right off with 遥 and 夥しい lol

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