Cannot receive sickness or injury, shoubyouteate(傷病手当) benefit money. Please help

TLDR : I am too unwell to work and only found out today that I cannot receive health insurance benefit money from my precious company’s insurance provider.
I found [this place]( and[ this place]( but they require you to apply within 20 days of losing previous insurance. Don’t know what to do, will probably end up homeless.

Long version. I worked at a company for a year before being fired because I was too sick to work, luckily because of a benefit they had I was able to continually get health insurance income each month, though it was only 17man. After a couple of months I was feeling a bit better and tried to work out of a contracting company, unfortunately I started falling over, fainting etc while at work and 3 months later they just told me not to come back. I was still within the contract of the contracting company but because I was sick they couldn’t put me in a job. During this time I was receiving health insurance money.

My contract ended with them at the end of January. The[ insurance company they were with]( only accepts shoubyouteate after the payment date of the time not worked, which is a month later. I asked the company what I should do to continue to obtain shoubyouteate money and they said to go to hello work.
Hello work told me to “Come back when I am able to work”, I asked about the monthly health insurance and they told me to go to the city office and ask them. No one knew, no one at Hello Work, no one at the city office. The Health Insurance Department at the city office only deals with handing out health insurance cards, not anything to do with shoubyouteate. So they told me to go back and contact my company, which I did, who told me to then go to hello work again and they told me to wait for something in the mail, which I did, and it was for some kind of school program or something weird. Not anything to do with shoubyouteate. Eventually a friend searched around for me and found the exact [same insurance company]( my previous company was using.(BTW I asked my friend if there were any other companies, she got a bit mad at me and said she found the only one.. my mistake, I should have looked myself but I assumed all these institutions and companies would point me in the right direction.) . My friend said I can send an application to this place. I read over the website and filled out the forms, went to the doctor and had them fill out the shoubyouteate. I had some questions about the forms so I emailed the contracting company I was with and they said (today) that I can only receive shoubyouteate money if I was with them for 12 months, which I was not.

So I realized the last month of running around talking to this and that person was futile. I searched and found[ this place]( and [this place]( but it seems I am far to late to apply for it. By the time I had to hand in my last shoubyouteate to my previous company it was already to late to sign up to a new insurer.

I can’t seem to find any other place to sign up to, does anyone know one that will accept me? Or do I just try to do uber eats with the small amount of energy I have each day, and hopefully not collapse.

  1. If you are a member of the 国民年金 here and are now disabled, you can receive a 障害者年金.

    Or you can consult with 福祉課.

  2. 協会けんぽ is the typical insurance provider for most people who are enrolled in 社会保険 (social insurance), which I assume you were signed up to in your last job (the contracting company). According to [their website](, they’re right, you can only receive 傷病手当金 (long-term sickness and injury allowance) if you were employed there for at least a year before your sickness. Furthermore, even if you were to get it, you would only be able to use it for [1 year 6 months – However many months you initially used up the first time you took long-term sick leave].

    You mentioned your sickness was severe depression. Depression, as far as I’m aware, doesn’t normally cause fainting. But symptoms and sickness aside, if you believe it was directly caused by your work, you might be able to apply for 労災手当 (workers accident compensation). I’m not entirely too sure on whether you need to have worked at least 1 year at your company before applying, nor if your case would be accepted, so you’d have to inquire about that. I suggest phoning [Houterasu](

    Another option is 障害手当 (disability allowance). Contact your local welfare office (福祉事務所) to discuss.

    There’s also [this document]( with a list of monetary assistance options.

    You cannot enroll in any of the insurance options you found because those are other insurance providers and you were never enrolled in them by any of your employers, as far as I’m aware.

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