Places to play football/soccer in Yokosuka/Yokohama?

I’ve read a few threads which all point to joining a club/reserving courts. Are there any outdoor fields or even (grassy) open areas where I can just show up and start practicing again?

  1. Without knowing precisely which area you’re living in, I think there’s still a high likelihood of open grassy areas within walking distance of your place. Easiest way to find them is probably just to get on Google Maps and look for parks around your house.

    As for actual courts or fields, the only free ones I know of tend to be along major rivers, like the Tamagawa etc. There are a couple of active MeetUp groups that hold regular pick-up futsal matches in Yokohama too, with no membership fees or required attendance.

    That’s about as easy and noncommital as I can imagine things being in most places, tbh.

  2. If goals are not necessary, most athletics parks will have open grass fields that you can use.

    If you need goals, I don’t know any free, so you’d probably need to rent or join a group. But you can check the athletics parks in your area if any of them have goals available.

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