‘The MIC reported that there was no falsification’, as clarified by a Constituent Assembly member.

‘The MIC reported that there was no falsification’, as clarified by a Constituent Assembly member.


  1. A member of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) has revealed that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) reported to the Diet that it had conducted an investigation into a document that Takaichi, the minister in charge of economic security, claimed was fabricated over the interpretation of political impartiality in the Broadcasting Law.

    Ishibashi, the lead director of the Budget Committee of the Constituent Democratic Party of Japan and a member of the House of Councillors, said: ‘No one (from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) said it was fabricated. In other words, there was a 13 February, so I think the whole idea of Minister Koichi’s fabrication has collapsed.”

    Minister Takaichi claimed that the four administrative documents released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications were “fabricated” in his parliamentary reply.

    In this regard, Rikken DPJ councillor Ishibashi revealed that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications reported to the Diet that there was “no fabrication” as a result of an investigation into the parties involved in the creation of the documents.

    Minister Takaichi has stressed that he has no intention of retracting his statement that it was a fabrication.

    Source: [【速報】「ねつ造なしと総務省が報告」 立憲議員が明らかに](https://www.fnn.jp/articles/-/502083) (in Japanese)

    See also: [【速報】高市大臣の「質問しないで」答弁を委員長が異例の厳重注意「敬愛の精神忘れている」 高市大臣は 「重く受け止める」](https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/-/386551) (in Japanese)

  2. 立憲民主党の議員が明らかにした。(A member of the Constitutional Democratic Party made it clear.) 此処大事ですよ 総務省が直接国会で声明出す事ですよこれ

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