Favourite Free Resources

Hey! I’m learning Japanese, still at a beginner level (know katakana and hiragana well and some kanji). What are your favourite FREE Japanese learning resources to further progress? (Not trials, just free). Im currently using the premium version of Duolingo (not free), the free version on Busuu and HelloTalk. Looking for something to add to these!

Thanks for the ideas! Happy learning 🙂

  1. The best free resource I have had is YouTube. Japanese Ammo is a great YouTube channel and I have basically done all of my learning so far from that. I would guess that I am maybe 1/4 of the way done with N5 level and I have been studying for 60 days but mind you I am currently studying at university so some days I literally just try to learn 2 vocab or something.


    But I think a good thing to do is no matter what learn at least 2 words a day.

  2. Here is a couple without trials and are free that you might like:

    **Renshuu** – Might be the best resource I use. 99% free unless you want graphs of progress. It has web and app available. Learn everything you want that is synced to a database of terms so you don’t have to relearn Kawaii every time you pick up a new deck of terms. Use this one.

    **JPDB** – Great SRS tool that teaches vocab with kanji/radicals. Pick a deck linked to the media you are interested in and it will create a deck that focuses on the terms you need the most for the media. When you switch to a new deck your data of the terms is saved so you don’t need to relearn new terms but you will practice them when they are due for SRS.

    **Kanji Book** – Simple Kanji Practice. I just picked this one up yesterday and like how it slowly eases you into kanji drills each day. Not an all inclusive app but good Kanji Practice.

    **Infinite Japanese** – Someone else recommended this in a post very similar to yours. I like it a lot as it has simple timed vocab challenges that test Kanji recognition, Vocab, and Listening all in one lesson. Once again not all inclusive as it doesn’t cover any grammar but its free with ads(low amount).

    **Kawaii Dungeon and KawaiiNinhongo** – Nihongo teaches grammar/vocab/kanji/listening/writing with a cute anime style. I really like it but the animations are insanely slow. Dungeon is just an rpg style drill app of the same style and maker. This would be the closest to a full package you can probably get for free.

    If you don’t mind paywalls at some point I also enjoy the free versions of Kanji Garden, Drops, Hey Japan, Yuspeak, Coban, Lirer. Also if you have time anki is always going in the background.

  3. I think renshuu is one of the better resources, at least it works for me good. You don’t need to worry much there about what to learn.

    Also, Anki, Umi, Discord Japanese language exchange servers, Tae Kim’s guide, Cure Dolly’s channel, Numbiro, Kanji Garden, Memrise, Wanikani are things you might want to check. Memrise maybe isn’t the best but I absolutely love the “comprehension tests”, these short videos with phrases from lesson, they’re really funny and in comparison to other language apps great.

  4. I’m going through an RTK deck on Anki right now, but after that core 2k deck then immersing. Kinda nice being able to recognize a bunch of kanji now even if I don’t know how to say it.

  5. You can find Genki PDFs online, aside from that Minato JP, Kanshudo, yomu jp, JLPT Sensei and so on are great

  6. Tae Kim as a general checklist for grammar points.

    Japanese Ammo with Misa on yt, shes simply amazing.

    Sites like Tofugu and Maggie Sensei.

    Tried studying off Genki but i found just having a list of bullet points like Tae Kim’s and have myself supplement every lesson with yt vids and other sites works the best for me.

  7. If you have an iPhone I really recommend Kanji, it’s an app that can teach you English meanings, onyomi, kunyomi, common words, and stroke order. Super helpful!!

  8. At this point I just recommend TheMoeWay or Refold, I found better success with TheMoeWay so far though because it has structure for the first month, something that very much benefits me as a person with ADHD.

  9. Check out [this document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LH82FjsCqCgp6-TFqUcS_EB15V7sx7O1VCjREp6Lexw/edit#). it contains information and a lists of free resources.

    Great Resources mentioned there are

    Cure Dolly on Youtube
    Some Anki decks

    If you like reading (reading is a cheatcode to aquire a language) check out

    [tadoku.org](https://tadoku.org/japanese/en/free-books-en/) an [Yomujp.com](https://yomujp.com/n5/)

    Delete Doulingo ASAP

  10. The Japan Foundation (which made Marugoto) have free elementary/beginner level textbooks and mp3s for free which can be found here: https://www.irodori.jpf.go.jp/en/index.html

    They do specify that it’s Japanese for people living or wanting to live and work in Japan, however I think it’s worth having a look at.

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