Looking for non-fiction free&interesting reading blogs and recourses

Hello guys,

As the title says, I’m looking for non-fiction (blogs, articles…) I can read that aren’t written for learners (since they tend to be a bit boring) and are interesting, I think my level now is probably close to N3.

I’d like it if you can share somethings like blogs that you like and find interesting and their general topics.

Personally, I would love to read about anime&manga (reviews, interviews with artist), cinema and Japanese films, culture, linguistics and topics related to languages, journals and recording daily life, humorous topics…etc, but I don’t mind if it’s outside these topics

Thank you

  1. >anime&manga (reviews, interviews with artist), cinema and Japanese films

    Type in the name of your media and add the word 感想 on a search engine to get reviews. インタビュー should pull up some general interviews. Add 作家 to specify interviews with the author, or 監督 for the film director. Specific actor names should pull up their interviews as well.

  2. https://ameblo.jp/ is one of the big blog services. Scroll down and they have sorted by topic.

    e.g. https://ameblo.jp/blog_portal/category/gourmet/ranking/ is ranking of gourmet blogs

    I recommend getting real comfortable with googling in Japanese and navigating Japanese websites. You’ll want to be filtering through a lot of stuff to find bits that interest you and are at a good level, but the searching/filtering is also an important part of the learning process.

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