Has anyone else had success with utilizing ChatGPT for sentence creation/ translation?

Messing around with ChatGPT today, I had the thought to ask it to create some sentences using a word I just learned- but had yet to see in context ( 欲しい ). This was my prompt/responses:


Can you give me some N5 JLPT level sentences that use the word 欲しい in them, so that I can understand how it is used in Japanese sentences? Please provide the English translation after each sentence.

Sure, I can provide some N5 level sentences using the word 欲しい:

1. 私は新しい車が欲しいです。 (I want a new car.)
2. 彼女は毎日チョコレートが欲しいと言っています。 (She says she wants chocolate every day.)
3. あの本が欲しいんですが、どこで買えますか? (I want that book, but where can I buy it?)
4. 私はお金が欲しいです。 (I want money.)
5. 彼は新しいスマートフォンが欲しいそうです。 (It seems that he wants a new smartphone.)

I hope these examples help you understand how 欲しい is used in Japanese sentences!

Can you color-code each word of the Japanese sentences to their English counterpart?

Sure! Here are the color-coded Japanese sentences with their English translations:

1. 私は新しい車が欲しいです。 (I want a new car.)
2. 私は (I) 新しい (new) 車が (car) 欲しい (want) です (am).
3. 彼女は毎日チョコレートが欲しいと言っています。 (She says she wants chocolate every day.)
4. 彼女は (She) 毎日 (every day) チョコレートが (chocolate) 欲しい (wants) と言っています (says).
5. あの本が欲しいんですが、どこで買えますか? (I want that book, but where can I buy it?)
6. あの (that) 本が (book) 欲しい (want) んですが (but), どこで (where) 買えますか (can I buy)?
7. 私はお金が欲しいです。 (I want money.)
8. 私は (I) お金が (money) 欲しい (want) です (am).
9. 彼は新しいスマートフォンが欲しいそうです。 (It seems that he wants a new smartphone.)
10. 彼は (he) 新しい (new) スマートフォンが (smartphone) 欲しい (wants) そうです (seems).


The color coding didn’t work exactly how I intended, but I feel like the translation after each part of the sentence did the job. It seems since they don’t necessarily have an English counterpart most of the time, particles are lumped into the noun they’re paired with.


What are your guys’ thoughts on how this turned out, and using AI-generated learning aids in general?

  1. I’ve been asking it to tell me a story at the N5/N4 level, and then asking follow up questions or checking if I’ve understood the story or specific paragraphs correctly. Also asking if it breakdown certain sentences or grammar. It works really well but sometimes it’s gotten confused and explained a sentence that it didn’t actually use in the story, which was weird.

    Edit: why the downvotes?!

  2. Why did it mark the copula です as ‘am’? That isn’t even present in the original sentence, nor is it accurate to consider them equivalent.

    が should also not really be held together with the vocab like that, since it’s its own thing, but in this case, there’s nowhere to really put it.

    Also, the fifth example sentence is not correct. ‘It seems X wants’ would be 欲しそう. 欲しいそう means ‘(I’ve) been told that X wants Y’. This usage refers to relaying information from another source, which is different to the sentence ChatGPT provided in English.

    Just look up ChatGPT in this subreddit. It’s come up a bunch of times. Not a single time has it been better than just using regular resources. Even in this case, generating N5 level sentences that include a specific vocabulary is *not* a difficult task, and it *didn’t even manage to get* ***that*** *right* (a 20% failure rate for this is unacceptable).

    At this point, I’m more and more coming to the position of just wanting ChatGPT/OpenAI posts to be banned. Maybe it’ll be useful in the future, I don’t know, but it has no place here at the very least, where the whole point is to ask actual learners, not to go on about trying to learn via a chat AI that, at the very least at present, does not seem to be fit for purpose.

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