Genuine mistake I tried to rectify straight away – advice?


I have lived in Japan for only a month. I bought a pair of shoes and the sales assistant asked to see my passport. Strange request I thought but gave it to him – he scanned it into a machine, gave me it back and then completed the purchase.

I noticed on the receipt it said TAX FREE – straight away I realised I am not eligible to shop tax free so refunded the purchase straight away and paid full price as I should.

Will that tax-free purchase be listed against my passport and cause me any problems? The fact I have the receipt of the full price purchase should save me I think but am I going to get a knock on the door or stopped at the airport?

  1. Nothing will happen, but it doesn’t cost you anything to just hold on to that receipt. It was the fault of the staff for not checking your “tourist credentials”.

    By the way, if you live in Japan, why do you carry your passport?

  2. Correct me if I’m wrong but the checking is usually done when paying and applying the discount. They don’t really check this stuff as you go through the airport.

  3. What a good citizen! One of my classmate back when I was still in language school exploited the tax-free program to purchase clothes, electronics etc. he intended to use here in Japan. As he frequently goes back to his home country (without bringing the tax-free bought items) but is still living here and well now, not sure if it’s going to be a problem eventually…

    Edit: as per u/gorillaz001 said maybe they in fact do not check it at all in the airport…

  4. I think I made the same mistake when I arrived in japan long time ago.

    Nothing really happened, I think the border control guy just removed the paper without even telling me anything. If it was wrong and what yout to fix it they will tell you, but they’ll probably not bother.

  5. The cashier clerk is a fool for assuming you are a tourist. He can’t even read your visa type.

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