Vocabulary book with pictures? Starting with N5

Hello, I’m looking for a physical vocabulary book that has visuals and pictures. I’m a year off from chemotherapy but chemo brain is still really messing me with memorizing stuff so I’d need as much guide as I can.

[u/logicalicy](https://www.reddit.com/user/logicalicy/) posted this mini book two years ago (linked below) of vocabulary with photos and it’s really helpful for me.


However, this one only has 50 words. Is there as such a physical book just like this? Starting off with N5. I’m studying genki but vocabulary is really hitting my butt because I have a really tough time retaining new terms. For kanji, I’m using wanikani and the visual stories are helpful. But for vocabulary I’m really having a hard time so I’m asking if there are resources of vocabulary with visual cues.

Or if there are no physical books like this, are there online resources with such? Emphasis on the visual part because these really help me.

Thanks a bunch! 🙂

  1. I can’t think of the specific titles off the top of my head but there have been a few games promoted here that are sort of like learning vocab in VR or by navigating the environment in the game and keeping picture journals.

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