what reign do you think Shibata would have if he won the IWGP Heavyweight Championship from Okada?

what reign do you think Shibata would have if he won the IWGP Heavyweight Championship from Okada?

  1. My guess is that it would have been unfortunately short. If he didn’t drop it immediately back to Okada, then we would have only gotten a few defenses. Probably against Ishii and Tanahashi, maybe a third against Naito or Goto.

    If I was booking it though it would have been a completely different story lol Shibata would still be champ.

  2. I think Shibata would have purely been a transitional champion.

    He’d have had one successful defence or two before dropping it to Kenny Omega at Dominion.

  3. Probably short as everyone else is saying

    Naito & Ibushi are the only Japanese talent other than Okada in the last decade who I think they had plans to give long legitimate runs with the title to, but unfortunately both got knee capped due to circumstance (COVID for Naito, injuries for Ibushi)

  4. Love these scenario prompts.

    Shibata would likely only defend against guys like Ishii, Goto, gothic brawler Evil, Suzuki and Zack. Maybe Matt Riddle, Chris Hero and/or Nakajima as a crossover import. If O’Reilly somehow became JR champ during the New Beginning tour, the Anniversary could be Shibata vs O’Reilly II. Now that’s a title reign. So, basically a greatest hits combining both his Rev Pro and NEVER reigns. This is making me wanna watch all those matches again. Shibata was the best.

    If Zack were to snag top singles gold in Japan, it would be through beating Shibata. Then Okada could regain off Zack later.

    So, basically, it’s the alternate storyline where Zack was our late 2010’s top western heel instead of Kenny.

  5. As a super removed, casual at best, fan of this time, I always loved Shibata because he manifested this old school mystique I’ve only felt with older acts. I’d hope his run would be long, but imagine it never could have.

  6. It would be short, and in true Shibata fashion probably loses it because he loses himself in trying to hurt his opponent rather than retain

  7. I think he would have eventually been in Ibushi’s position in the big four. They were ready to push him to the moon.

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