Picking up new residence card at different immigration office from application

Hi all — I tried searching about my situation before posting but couldn’t turn up any information, so I’m curious if anyone has advice.

tl;dr want to pick up my residence card at a different immigration office than the one I originally applied but I’m worried it’ll take a long time

I’m a master’s student graduating from a Japanese university (today!), moved across country to Tokyo in the past week to start my new job next month, and thought I timed everything so I could: apply for change in residence status → pick up master’s degree → pick up new residence card → submit 転入届 and have residence info changed on new residence card within a 14 day period.

BUT I have just been informed by the company my company hired to handle my status change that because I’m 転出中 (already submitted 転出届 to my old municipality but haven’t submitted to 転入届 to new municipality) that I likely won’t be able to pick up my new card today like I had planned. 🙃

As far as I can tell, that seems to mean I have three options:
1. Go back to Tokyo, submit 転入届, and waste LOTS OF MONEH and time to come BACK to the immigration office to which I submitted my application across the country (then go back to my ward office to have the address on the card changed?)
2. Same steps as above but apply (somehow?) to pick up my residence card in Shinagawa
3. ???

I’m interested in whether anyone has experience with option 2? Specifically I’m worried about the amount of time it might take (either with the process in general or b/c it’s Shinagawa specifically) since my job starts April 3rd…

If anyone has any advice I would GREATLY appreciate it!

  1. You’d have to call to confirm, but I am assuming you did a paper application which means other offices wouldn’t have your record and you need to go to the office you applied to.

  2. As /u/highgo1 said, you have to pick it up from where they tell you, but I’ll add to that by saying that most government functions are this way. I’ve had to travel across multiple prefectures to get a tax form a few times because I used to live in the area. I couldn’t get them sent out.

    You’ll be VERY hard-pressed to not have to pick up the new Residence Card from your old immigration office.

    BEING SAID. That company that was hired to do your forms and submit can pick up your new card for you nad send it to you. Find out if that’s an option.

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