Best place for several days of onsen / health retreat?

Ideally, a place that isn’t overly touristed and can work well as a 2/3 day base for onsen and quiet relaxation but I’m open to hearing about any and everything!

I need to do some healing after too much exposure to cigarette smoke messing up my respiration…Any suggestions on recharge points in this beautiful land?

\*As a thanks, I have to recommend the Chitose Airport Onsen (Sapporo) – if you ever have the chance, it is a really nice experience. The sounds of planes taking off in the distance mixed with the wide skies is really special, and the waters are fantastic as well.\*

  1. Is there an area you want to visit? Like Between Hokkaido and Kyushu there are a few places.

  2. Kusatsu helped my lingering covid cough for some reason. Maybe the sulfur in the air, or that it‘s situated in high elevation?

    It is quite touristy but also there are many onsen to choose from and you might be able to find a quiet spot.

  3. > I need to do some healing after too much exposure to cigarette smoke messing up my respiration

    Do you prefer hot springs that don’t have sulfur?

  4. Hoshino Resort has locations around Japan that are excellent for relaxation. Expensive, though.

    Although not an onsen, Chiiori in Tokushima is a 300 year old Edo-era house refurbished by Alex Kerr. It is really in the countryside in Tokushima away from civilization (closest conbini is a 20 minute drive).

    The house has been fully refurbished with modern appliances, and even includes a western style shower stall.

  5. The Unzen Mikado Hotel (雲仙みかどホテル) in Shimabara, south of Nagasaki, is a somewhat isolated resort hotel that is very relaxing, although pricey. It’s one of my favorite getaway places. It has an onsen on the premises and offers a few rooms with private 露天風呂. The evening buffet there is first class.

  6. Search for “湯治.(touji)” Then you will find a simple onsen that is not a tourist attraction, but a place to stay for a long period of time and heal your body.

  7. Parroting Kusatsu.

    Shibu Onsen is nice as well if you get the pass to try out all the different onsen in the hot spring village. And can go see bathing monkeys and the beer brewery in the near mountian.

    Nyuto Onsen is the same deal but more remote and really away from it all. You can try like almost 10 or so hotpsring with their pass. I stayed in the one furthest out and it was amazing at night.

    Tamagawa hotspring is a “healing” hotspring with the most acidic water of any hotpsring in Japan and many different types of water to try.

    If you want to really really get away from it all give Aoni Onsen a try, it has no electricity and is stuck on top of a mountain with no cell signal, amazingly quiet and lots of routenboru to try.

    I’m more of a cold weather hotsprings guy, but all of these are just as good in warmer weather. I don’t quite get the idea of someplace not “touristy” though. If you want some hole-in-the-wall type of deal, I’d look on like rakuten travel for some highly rated ryoukan with hotsprings and just pick.

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