Japanese light novels suitable for me?

So I’ve read Suzume, If cats disappeared from the world, Ao no Hako manga vol.1, The angel next door spoils me rotten vol.1 In Japanese. Only The angel next door spoils me rotten was without furigana. Currently, I’m trying to read The apothecary diaries vol.3 (with no furigana) and it just ain’t working out as smoothly as the previous novels, I can catch really big changes but I am still missing out a lot of finer details, making it not as enjoyable.

I want to know 3 things:

1) In your opinion, should I tough it out and continue reading the book or come back to it when I’m more familiar with the language?

2) I have: Toradora, Garden of words, Your name, The angel next door, in my read next list, do you think any of em are out of my league? Do you have any other LN’s to recommend?

3) This has been my main form of learning Japanese, I just search up unfamiliar kanji on Jisho and send it to anki to memorize, I also am doing the core 2k deck. Any suggestions on things I should be doing?

1 comment
  1. a) Use [Natively](https://learnnatively.com/resources/search/) and [jpdb.io](https://jpdb.io) to find what to read by difficulty.

    b) Reading electronically is **a lot** more convenient than physical books. For a good reading setup that allows you to look up words and make flashcards in under one second check [https://learnjapanese.moe/](https://learnjapanese.moe/). In addition you can consider using jpdb to learn the most high frequent vocab from what you are going to read before you start.

    c) It really helped me to first know ~2000 words and at least N5+N4 grammar before I started reading.

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