Who else loves natto?

Who else loves natto?

  1. I tried it for the first time yesterday! I didn’t find it repulsive like people warned. I also didn’t like it and actually found it underwhelming. I had it over plain rice yesterday, but am looking for recommendations on how to add more umph to it. I’m thinking about adding some kimchi next time

  2. Took me years of my Japanese wife pestering me to like the stuff
    It finally clicked when we were in a ryokan together in Akita having some natto wrapped in straw. Now I enjoy the stuff. Especially when it comes with the spicy mustard.

  3. I eat it daily with rice and green onions. Probably because of that I have never been constipated. It is also delicious with curry.

  4. Excited to try it in Japan next month, but nervous based on all I see online 😂

  5. I grew up liking it but I know its not everybody’s thing. I always eat it on cold days w/ a dash of sesame oil, raw egg & soy sauce. Sometimes I would add green onions and/or chili oil.

    Pickled veggies or takuan goes really well as a side.

  6. Love natto. Love the flavor, love the texture. Love it on rice, eggs, or even by itself.

    Funny story, the other day I discovered a specialty pack of natto that was labeled as “not sticky” (as far as my limited Japanese could tell), and indeed it was goo-less. It also did not come with mustard or tare. While it did taste like plain natto, honestly I was underwhelmed haha.

  7. Love it. Usually I have it over rice with chopped scallions and salmon roe (if I have it available), scooped up with a small piece of nori!

  8. I love its mature cheese like flavor. It’s texture is weird, but over rice mixed with hot mustard, it’s delicious.

  9. Yeah can’t lie I’m from the UK and for a split second i thought you’d put baked beans in milk

  10. I love it- on rice, straight out of the container or sometimes on toast with cheese.

  11. Definitely an acquired taste. My wife’s tried it and didn’t find it pleasant. I also usually try and eat it while she’s in the other room.

  12. I looked for the Kirkland sized tub of natto when I visited the Costco in Kobe Japan. Sadly didn’t find it.

  13. it’s not for me, also felt it left a film or aftertaste when i first tried it ( ate w/ rice and seaweed)

  14. what does natto taste like? i know i could google it, but i’d rather hear from people on reddit rather than random blogs and articles about it.

  15. I love it! I have some in my fridge now. Sometimes I’ll just eat out with rice, but I’d I’m feeling fancy, I’ll add an egg or kimchi.

  16. I like the taste, but I have to have it with the seasonings. On it’s own it’s just a little too snotty for me.

  17. I have it regularly. Usually over sticky rice and scallions, and sometimes mix red yuzu kosho paste into the natto.

  18. I absolutly love that stuff. Though i havent had any it quite awhile. Me needs to pick some up!

  19. Looove it! The more I eat it the more I crave it!

    Has anyone made their own from scratch?

  20. I want to try it, but in rural Idaho, my options are highway robbery from Amazon or making my own. I’ve been eyeing a couple of sources for the spores.

  21. I loooove the stuff!

    My favorite way is with just a touch of soy, a bit of sesame oil, and rice mixed with a raw egg yolk.

    I use bits of nori strips to scoop up the eggy rice and the natto as I prefer to not mix it all up.

    My second favorite service: maki rolls. So basically roll sushi with wasabi and a generous amount of natto in the middle. OMG SO GOOD!!!

  22. Not me, but my son and husband are obsessed. My 2 year old refuses a lot of different foods but if you put a plate of natto in front of him he will demolish the lot!

  23. I like adding wasabi and soysauce (in addition to the mustard and sauce) and eating it by itself.

  24. I don’t go out of my way to eat it, but when it’s offered, I’ll dig in — especially with some spicy mustard.

    Now my toddler? He’s a beast — we’ll give him the whole tray and he’ll go wild — it’s just a real bitch to clean him up in the aftermath. 😅

  25. I’ve been wanting to try this for so long , but every time I’m at the Japanese market I never remember to get it! I’m so curious to try it!

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