need suggestions for mangas for beginners

I’m looking for a fun manga that has furigana, I’ve only started studying Japanese recently but I would like to challenge myself and also speed up the process of learning …..thanks in advance (also sorry if I’m using the wrong flair)

  1. * Crystal Hunters can be “my first manga” and the first issue is legally free, you may purchase later issues if you want

    * Yotsubato is a common recommendation and it’s pretty endearing.

  2. Yotsuba, Card Captor Sakura, Sailor Moon. For the magic ones if you skip their ‘magic incantation’ bit it becomes a lot easier to read.

  3. Yotsuba for sure, but be aware that the main character is a child who makes a lot of mistakes in Japanese that as a beginner can be a bit confusing. At the same time it’s so darned charming and funny I recommend it nevertheless. Check out Foxumon’s videos on YouTube and maybe start with Yotsubato volume 2 since she has a great set of videos to follow. Also get the reading pack from []( You get sentence translations, the vocab and an Anki deck if you want to practice the vocab. This is a great way to start reading manga….how do I know? I never read manga before and now I’m enjoying it in Japanese!

  4. Honestly a large majority of manga out there have furigana and I think you should read something you’re interested in instead of something thats known for being “easy”, because you’ll find learning more enjoyable even if its slightly harder. If you want to check if a manga has furigana or not, you can just search it up on Amazon JP and sample the trial pages.

    That said, if you still want a recommendation, I’d suggest Totsukuni no Shoujo, which was the easiest manga I’ve read so far and has gorgeous art.

  5. Definitly Conan tantei. Except a police related vocabulary sometimes, it’s really easy

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