What do you use to track your time?

I’m planning to start Immersion very soon and would like to know how some people track their time spent. I saw this screenshot from a post from long ago but am not sure what it is. [https://imgur.com/a/M5vG4I4](https://imgur.com/a/M5vG4I4)

  1. Just find something you’re interested in and read/listen until your brain starts to rebel. Time spent creating pretty graphs is time better spent on using the language.

  2. A clock? How else are you supposed to do so? Just keep in mind the time when you start and take note how much time you spent when you finish.

    When do that repeatedly and in sessions, you could start to guess an approximate for each activity. (For instance: 1 episode of anime = 24 mins, 1 podcast = 30 mins, etc…)

  3. I’ve been using toggl to track immersion for a few months now. Couldn’t be happier with it

  4. That image is from my excel sheet that I created to track my learning. The tracking itself was just with the app MultiTime.

    If you are an excel enthusiast I can share the complete sheet

  5. I don’t, because time spent watching a clock is time better spent doing pretty much anything else. Like reading.

    You know what they, a watched pot never boils.

  6. I think it’s best to not track your time unless you’re trying to hit a deadline everyday (i.e. 5+ hours a day) to check your progress.

  7. Almost any time logging app, a pen and paper with a clock, a spreadsheet program, a discord bot like the one in TMW’s discord server. I’m sure there’s more ways I didn’t think of.

  8. I wrote a mention about it [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/zzhrjq/my_japanese_immersion_report_of_2022_2022_in/) but I use [this app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aloggers.atimeloggerapp) to track time by manually starting/pausing/stopping a timer every time I do stuff in Japanese. I don’t care about being too accurate but as a general thing it works well enough for me. Then I put the data in Google Sheets and plot things.

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