Optimizing Nikko Multi-Day Trip

Leaving for Nikko on the night of 10/22 and coming back 10/26, which gives 3 full days and part of Monday for some laid back sightseeing. I’m sure it’s a bit unpredictable with GoTo and COVID but I’m trying to arrange it to avoid traffic jams as we’ll be taking buses around the area. Along these lines:

1) Since our round-trip is for 5 days, I’m planning to get the “Premium Nikko Kinugawa Tobu Free Pass.” Anyone have experience with this pass in particular or recommendations on how to maximize its value?

2) Our hotel is fairly close to central Nikko so I’m leaning towards doing the temple sights on Saturday (since we can get to them early) and doing Okuniko stuff on Friday to avoid the bus traffic. Anyone have any past experiences with this during this time of year? I know to expect some delays for buses, but are these on the order of minutes or hours?

3) I haven’t seen anything indicating major closures or changes because of COVID, but what things can you imagine being better/worse under the current situation?

  1. 2) I tried to go to Oku-Nikko on a Sunday in fall season of 2016 (as a day trip from Tokyo). That… was a bad idea. It took a few hours in a super crowded bus (fortunately I had a seat though) to get there, and while I queued for the bus back relatively early at ~16:30 or so in the afternoon it took a few more hours to get back to Nikko station (around 20:00 I think). I can recall having to worry about making my connections back to Tokyo.

    Then again, as you are staying in Nikko you can take an early bus and maybe leave the Oku-Nikko area a little early too (or if it turns out you can’t get back until late in the evening, no big deal either I guess).

    (in fall 2019 I tried Oku-Nikko again but with a different plan: in the middle of the week and I had accommodation at Oku-Nikko this time)

  2. Just went to Nikko this past weekend and I can confirm that it was incredibly busy despite Corona.

    I had my car so I can’t comment on the bus which is likely slower. The drive from central Nikko to Kegon falls took ~1.5 hour due to intense traffic at 8am. From Kegon falls to Ryuuzu falls it was another ~1 hour drive. I would imagine the bus would be an additional 30 mins + queuing time at the stop.

    Nothing was closed and social distancing was not enforced at any location, everything was very crowded.

  3. Do you have an IDP/Japanese driver’s license? It would honestly be worth it to rent a car if you have that ability. Nikko is fairly spread out.

    While you’re there, I highly recommend the shojin ryouri course menu at [Gyoushintei](https://www.meiji-yakata.com/ja/gyoshin/). A little expensive, but completely worth it.

  4. I went last fall, but right after the typhoon so there weren’t many tourists.

    1)I was there for two days and only stayed one night but found the All Area pass to be worth it.

    2)I would agree with this plan.

    3)See other comments for COVID related business.

  5. I was in Nikko just a few weeks ago over 3 weekdays. It was peacefully quiet, businesses were about 90% open, no trouble with buses or traffic. I’d imagine it’d be different on weekends for sure, so definitely do the okunikko stuff on a weekday if you can…the lake is so lovely and peaceful, take a walk around it (or rent bicycles from the tourist center near the waterfall) and soak up the atmosphere. The sunset by the lake it wonderful too.

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