[Help] I got the recipe for some chili paste I had at a ramen shop in Japan and one of the ingredients was “ramen sauce”…do you think this is the broth? Or what could he have meant?

I had the most flavorful chili paste I’ve ever had in my life, and I wrote this long thing to get translated and I showed it to the person at the counter, and she went and showed the cook what I wrote. He came out and the girl at the counter spoke English which I didn’t realize at first, and she translated for him.

He said it’s chili powder, garlic, and “ramen sauce”, all at a 1:1:1 ratio.

I don’t have a lot of cooking knowledge so I assumed ramen sauce was just something I could look up, otherwise I would have asked for clarification, but turns out it doesn’t exist and it was likely just a translation issue, and I’m trying to figure out what he meant by that. I assumed he meant the broth but if anyone thinks it could be something else, I would love some help.

Here’s a photo: https://i.imgur.com/t4YhgLf.png

Thanks in advance

  1. If it’s that red container in the picture, it’s most likely ヤニンジャン(yanninjan). There are several recipes on cookpad and other sites if you search with katakana

  2. Ramen soup is served by mixing sauce and soup stock after receiving an order. The sauce is each restaurant’s own mixture of seasonings. So unless the restaurant is using a commercial sauce, it may be difficult to get the exact same taste.

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