Master’s at Keio University

Hi everyone! I am considering to apply for the Master’s program in economics and was asking myself if there is someone who has experience with the school or program and your thoughts on it. Even if you just heard something from friends.

My background: Grew up in Western Europe, about to finish a Bachelor’s in International Business there, strong interest and also some professional experience in management, economics, finance and business overall.

Firstly, I am a bit curious about the academic level. As mentioned I did an exchange semester before, though at another university. While most fellow exchange students complained how easy everthing was (which was mostly true) I found that by engaging with passionate professors or students there was a lot to learn.

Moreover, I saw that Keio offers the CEMS program as well as a double degree with their own Graduate School of Business and Commerce. Has anyone experience with the selection process for CEMS as well as the program itself? As for their internal double degree, is it possible to sign up and complete it only in English?

Looking forward to any answers! Thank you!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Master’s at Keio University**

    Hi everyone! I am considering to apply for the Master’s program in economics and was asking myself if there is someone who has experience with the school or program and your thoughts on it. Even if you just heard something from friends.

    My background: Grew up in Western Europe, about to finish a Bachelor’s in International Business there, strong interest and also some professional experience in management, economics, finance and business overall.

    Firstly, I am a bit curious about the academic level. As mentioned I did an exchange semester before, though at another university. While most fellow exchange students complained how easy everthing was (which was mostly true) I found that by engaging with passionate professors or students there was a lot to learn.

    Moreover, I saw that Keio offers the CEMS program as well as a double degree with their own Graduate School of Business and Commerce. Has anyone experience with the selection process for CEMS as well as the program itself? As for their internal double degree, is it possible to sign up and complete it only in English?

    Looking forward to any answers! Thank you!

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  2. A long time ago, I looked into Kieo and Todai for a similar degree. One of the requirements was a minimum N2 level Japanese proficiency. Maybe it was even N1. My assumption behind this is that there was not an English only degree. If you’re looking for an English only degree, I’d look at Waseda or ICU. They’re a bit more international.

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